Cross to the next ledge and open the Epic Chest to obtain the Winged Helm of the Eagle.At the far end of the ledge, set the wooden crate on the plate switch.Pass each one just after a fireball blazes past you, to avoid letting the flames destroy the crate. There are fire-breathing dragon heads along the walls to the left and right. Carry the wooden crate back the way you came, toward the end of the ledge.Cross to the next ledge and head to the far end to find and activate a pedestal, which produces a wooden crate.Head around the right side of the low platform where Zeus’s Lightning is waiting and find a drop off to a lower ledge with an Epic Chest resting on it.

The Epic Chest and Zeus’s Lightning Time your passage right to avoid fireballs Image: Ubisoft Quebec/Ubisoft via Polygon They will allow you to get a better grip on the mechanics of the game, in addition, they will also facilitate your progress in the later stages of the playthrough.

After you defeat Cerberos, you’ll automatically receive the Tarnished Phosphor and then you should head through the gate that opens ride platforms to reach a high ledge. Next Basics Interface Prev Immortals Fenyx Rising Guide On this page of the Immortals Fenyx Rising guide, you will find the most important tips to get you started with the game.Back away if he crouches down and starts glowing, as an explosive blast will soon follow. Hit him fast and hard to inflict as much damage as possible and avoid a drawn-out fight. He mostly battles like a Chimera might, so attack his flank as possible to avoid his fiery breath. Head through the doors and start across the wide area to commence your battle with Hound of Hades, Legendary Cerberos.Activate the lever to the right to open the double doors ahead of you.Grab the healing orb to the left if you need to restore your life ahead of a coming battle. Cross along the ledges and climb the stairs to activate a checkpoint.
How to clear The Hound of Hades Vault of Tartaros Dodge the projectile attacks just like you normally would to win Image: Ubisoft Quebec/Ubisoft via Polygon Head up the steps and ascend the statue’s tongue to reach the chamber where you can drop through the rift to enter the vault.Step on the circular switch to trigger a cutscene, wherein the Cerberus head carved into the nearby cliff opens its mouth.Set the third metal crate on the plate switch with the feather emblem on it, then look back toward the entrance of the area to see the formerly inactive circular switch is now glowing.Head back to the upper ledge and climb some steps to find a third metal crate positioned in a stone throne.Set the second metal crate on top of the first one on the plate switch.Find another metal crate on the same ledge where you found the first one, in a corner behind a broken stone column.Image: Ubisoft Quebec/Ubisoft via Polygon